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Extraordinary results through the science of relationships
Nosso Propósio


Know what moves us


Show every Youth that Jesus made him or her for Happiness through the study of the Science of Relationships.


Make the Young People of the Seventh-day Adventist Church understand why they exist and their role in all areas of life.


Love God over ALL things and your neighbor as yourself.

Sobre Nós


A little about our history

Since they were teenagers Fábio and Helissa had a dream: To be happy! With that, they placed their hopes in some things, such as, for example, a good career and a life with the minimum of comfort. Other things took a back seat, like the science of relationships. So when they entered their careers and began to push forward, they discovered that there was not even a whiff of happiness there and around them.


Little did they know that by putting the Science of Relationships on the back burner, they were automatically putting off the priority of Happiness. No Relationship, no Happiness.


When we think of a relationship, the first thing that comes to mind is dating or marriage. But a Relationship in its essence is: Divine with the human, that is, Christ and I.

Jesus is Love, Jesus is Happiness. He doesn't have love, He doesn't have Happiness. HE IS Love and Happiness.


So when we have a Relationship with Jesus, we will automatically be and have Happiness. And the other achievements of our life will be bonuses, like moments of joy crowning the Happiness already conquered. And when we love Jesus above all things we will automatically love our neighbors as ourselves. 


That is, for our happiness to be complete or the consequence of our true happiness is also to have a Relationship with our neighbor so that we can meet each other's needs. This is where marriage, friendship, brotherhood, etc. come in. They are people full of Christ, full of love and happiness, wanting to share and exchange happiness and love with each other. Therefore, with Christ and a good spouse, it is possible to be happy and fulfilled in a hut. But without Christ and a bad spouse it is impossible to be happy in a mansion.



The people behind the See in the Dark Program
Helissa Silveira

Married to Fábio and a full-time missionary.

Graduated in Civil Engineering.

Even working in construction, she always took advantage of every moment in contact with suppliers and collaborators to testify her love for Jesus.

Course in Medical Missionary Work by Wildwood Center for Health Evangelism.

Pursuing Master of Divinity at Andrews University.

Fabio Silveira

Married to Helissa and a full-time missionary.

Graduated in Human Resources Management and MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getulio Vargas FGV.

Graduated in medical missionary work from the Wildwood Center for Health Evangelism.

In Brazil, Fabio Silveira as Project Manager led  projects with a focus on business and systems solutions and results. Also carrying out consultancy in People Management and Training. 

In Volunteering Worked for 19 years leading young people and adolescents in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. 
Also participating in the leadership of the Home/Family and Couples Meeting Department, giving lectures and workshops. 

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+1 (269) 769-4621

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