Women play a fundamental role in the emotional care of men. A wise, God-fearing, and loving wife is a divine gift (Proverbs 18:22: ‘He who finds a wife finds something excellent; he has received a blessing from the Lord.’).
When a man receives the blessing of a good wife, he finds emotional support, strength, and encouragement to face life's challenges and fulfill his role as leader, provider, and protector of his family (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10: ‘It is better to have company than to be alone, for the reward of two people's labor is greater. If one falls, his friend can help him up.").
In The Adventist Home, Ellen White says: ‘A godly wife has it in her power to make her husband's life happy, and there can be no greater reward than this. She influences her husband's heart and moulds his character.’ (The Adventist Home, p. 99).
This mutual care is also described as a reflection of the divine plan for marriage: a bond where both support each other, emotionally and spiritually, walking together in the pursuit of Christ (Ephesians 5:25: ‘Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.’).
The wife must feel that she is an important element in her husband's life, being his support in all circumstances. It is up to her to mold the atmosphere of the home, making it a place of peace and rest for him.’ (The Adventist Home, p. 118).
Therefore, the emotional partnership between man and woman within marriage is a reflection of the divine ideal of harmony, love, and mutual sacrifice, which allows the couple to face life's challenges with the certainty of mutual support and God's blessing.