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When advice is ignored

Writer's picture: Veja no EscuroVeja no Escuro

How long will you, the inexperienced, be content with your inexperience? You scoffers, how long will you take pleasure in scoffing? And you fools, how long will you despise knowledge? Prov. 1:22 NIV

We tend to want to follow our ideas and wills.

When someone older comes to give us advice (parents, teachers, grandparents, etc.) we naturally don't want to listen to them. And some thoughts may come to mind:

  • Nothing to do. It will be different for me.

  • This person can't be right every time.

  • Nobody owns the truth.

  • I feel I have to do it. So that counts a lot.

As the wise Solomon said, "There is nothing new under the sun". That's right. Human beings are very predictable. Actions happen just like in the past. And worse. They can get worse. One only has to go to Kings and Chronicles to understand how one king after another acted. They were worse copies of their predecessors.

The older ones had already gone through the path that the younger ones are going through now. They lived through or at least saw the results of the choices. There is nothing new. The same attitudes lead to the same results.

The Word of God is there to teach us all we need. What to do and what not to do:

  • Remember your creator in the days of your youth. Ecclesiastes 12:1

  • Honor your father and mother, that they may prolong your days on earth. Exodus 20:12

  • In the multitude of counsels, there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14

  • Leave father and mother... Mark 10:7

  • Flee from impurity. 1 Corinthians 6:18

  • Abstain from immorality. 1 Thessalonians 4:3

We could spend hours describing all the advice found in the Bible. But we will leave this task to you.

There is no wisdom, no understanding, not even counsel against the Lord. Proverbs 21:30 ARA
"How long will you inexperienced people be content with your inexperience? You scoffers, how long will you take pleasure in scoffing? And you fools, how long will you despise knowledge? If you heed my rebuke, I will give you a spirit of wisdom and reveal my thoughts to you. But you have rejected my invitation; no one cared when I held out my hand! Since you utterly despised my advice and would not accept my reproof, I, for my part, will laugh at your misfortune; I will mock when what you fear comes upon you like a storm when misfortune strikes you like a gale when anguish and pain overwhelm you. "Then you will call for me, but I will not answer; you will search for me but not find me. Since you have despised knowledge and refused the fear of the Lord, since you would not accept my counsel and have paid little heed to my warning, you will eat the fruit of your conduct and be filled with your machinations. For the inconstancy of the inexperienced will kill them, and the false security of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be quiet, fearing no evil." Prov 1:22-33 NIV

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